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No-Melt Makeup for Summer
Apr 16, 2018

No-Melt Makeup for Summer

Blog from JaneIredale.comSummer’s here and for many of us that means heat and often humidity. During the summer months I...
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Beauty Lesson: Highlighting and Contouring
Apr 16, 2018

Beauty Lesson: Highlighting and Contouring

Blog From JaneIredale.comEven if you’re not a total beauty junkie, chances are you have heard of highlighting and contouring. They’ve...
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How to Contour in 3-Steps
Apr 16, 2018

How to Contour in 3-Steps

Blog From JaneIredale.comLet’s get real about contouring. We’ve talked about how to contour before. It’s a technique that’s been around forever and...
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Brush Hacks from the Pros
Apr 16, 2018

Brush Hacks from the Pros

Blog From JaneIredale.comWe all have that one friend who owns more makeup brushes than you own shoes. It’s always inspiring...
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